CFC Winners Announced

June 15, 2023

On June 9 in Los Angeles, the MPI Collaboration Filmmakers Challenge (CFC) wrapped awarding $20,000 in cash and prizes—including a $5,000 development deal with Shout! Factory.

The first place Jury Award and the Shout! Factory Genre Filmmaker of the Future Award went to Shared Spaces by filmmakers Collin Black and Joey Caldwell with key collaborator Sammy Lahiri.

The ASG.STREAM Marshall Fritz Prize for demonstrating the value of personal freedom in film went to Terms and Conditions by filmmaker Patrick Duncan with key collaborator Ursula Rudorfer.

 The first place Key Collaborator Award went to T.J. Thickett.

There were also awards given for Best Actor, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Writing, Best Use of Quote, Best Audio and Sound, Best Music, and Best Set Photo. It’s remarkable to see what these filmmakers were able to create in just a few weeks.

The MPI Collaboration Filmmakers Challenge, part of MPI’s Rising Filmmaker Program, was founded and is run by Joe Gressis, the CFC is a decades-old competition designed to encourage networking and collaboration among participants. This year’s theme was a quote from Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” 

You can see a full list of the winners in every category here.

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