RECAP: Filmmakers Thrive at MPI’s Directing Workshop

May 15, 2019


From April 25-28, the Moving Picture Institute produced its first directing workshop. We designed this invitation-only seminar as an exclusive opportunity for up-and-coming writer/directors in our network. In particular, we invited promising alumni of MPI programs and screenwriting workshops, as well as filmmakers who are already green-lit to direct MPI original projects in 2019. Two of those projects included forthcoming MPI Original shorts A Piece of Cake and The Perfect One.

Over the course of the seminar, seven writer/directors learned from working film and television directors about best practices and visual storytelling. Shorter sessions included masterclass conversations with student Oscar and Emmy-winning filmmakers, who are at breakout points in their careers.

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to provide this opportunity at no cost to our filmmakers.

Here’s what our filmmakers had to say:

“If I could go back in time, I would never have gone to film school. I would rather have invested my time learning from working industry professionals curated by MPI.

“After going to film school and having dozens of professors where maybe one or two provided superior value, MPI gave us access to people are all providing superior value. This is a much better use of time, is far more hands-on, and doesn’t sink a student hundreds of thousands into debt.

“This was a phenomenal workshop. I believe I walked out of it a better director. It forced me to confront new ideas I hadn’t considered, let me explore the perhaps unconscious themes in my own work, and gave me the chance to experiment. I am thankful to the supporters who made this tremendous opportunity possible for myself and the other fellows.

“I’ve been fortunate to attend a number of MPI workshops and this was absolutely one of my favorites. Incredibly helpful. Thank you!

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