Eight Filmmakers Selected for MPI’s Directing Workshop

June 16, 2021

MPI has selected eight of the thirteen filmmakers in the 2021 Short Film Creative Development and Production Lab to participate in MPI’s Directing Workshop. This five-week virtual intensive will prepare them for the demands of production. 

Under the guidance of award-winning MPI alumnus Toby Fell-Holden (Balcony), filmmakers will participate in sessions that will explore how to effectively use visual language, equip them with the vital skills needed to manage a crew, teach them how to communicate with cast, and assist them in creating an actionable distribution strategy.

MPI would like to congratulate the following eight filmmakers that have been selected for this workshop: Calvin Tran (Shoot, Shovel and Shut-Up), Chris Edgar (Power Day), Edward Worthy (Rear), Ingrid Haas (The Pink), Jeremy Cohen (Unidentified Male), J.D. Shields (Zip-A-Dee-Ay), Monica Lucas (Stray), and Phoebe Nir (The Fillmore Middle School for Girls Presents “King Richard III”). We look forward to seeing the projects that emerge from this workshop and acquiring the best two or three to produce as MPI Original Films with budgets of up to $75,000.

Learn more about each filmmaker and their project here, and click here to explore all of MPI’s filmmaker opportunities.

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