Apply Today for MPI’s Hollywood Career Launch Program

February 6, 2020

It’s not easy to break into the entertainment world, but MPI’s Hollywood Career Launch Program helps talented young filmmakers get a foot in the door. Our competitive program places interns with partner production companies, providing living stipends for the duration. 

MPI interns work at some of the best known Hollywood production companies, including Bron Studies (Joker, Bombshell), Millennium Films (Angel Has Fallen, Rambo: Last Blood), and Bold Films (Drive, Whiplash). Regularly receiving offers of full-time employment from their host companies and going on to successful careers in the film industry.

In addition, thanks to our partnership with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, participants in our summer internship class are eligible for selection to attend Academy Gold, the Academy’s seven-week internship enhancement and mentorship program that provides participants access to special panels with Academy members, screenings, and countless career advancement opportunities. (One past participant even got to attend the Academy Awards!)

“No other program offers the kind of support system that the Moving Picture Institute offers through the matching process, the alumni connections, and the supplementary income,” wrote a past intern. “The skill set and relationships that they have helped me develop this summer will stay with me through the rest of my professional career.”

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, however, it is best to apply for summer internship positions now! Find out more about the program and apply today here

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