Spotlight on MPI Original Films Intern

July 19, 2024

This summer, MPI launched its largest Hollywood Career Launch Program (HCLP) intern class to date with our Summer Intern Summit in Los Angeles. HCLP is an exclusive talent development initiative for college students and recent graduates. This summer, these interns are learning invaluable skills while interning at top entertainment companies, immersing themselves in MPI’s Film+Freedom series, and receiving exclusive access to Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science events through the Gold Rising internship enhancement program.

One of our HCLP participants, Grace Brady, kindly agreed to share her experience with us. With a background in psychology and media, Grace has explored various facets of the film industry, including editing and content creation. Last fall, she participated in internships through the HCLP at Millennium Media and RPM Talent. Her debut short film as a director is currently in post-production and is expected to be completed this summer. Grace is now an MPI Original Films intern and has been selected for the prestigious Gold Rising program.

What are the highlights of your MPI production internship?

No matter where I end up in the industry, having this understanding of the process and its complexities will serve me extremely well. My internship with MPI Original Films has granted me extensive access to observe how movies are produced. I’m fascinated by the business side and have gained valuable insight into the practical aspects of filmmaking.

What are the highlights of the Academy Gold program?

Starting a career in the film industry can feel confusing and lonely at times, but the Academy Gold program gave me an amazing opportunity to connect with fellow aspiring filmmakers. We shared our ambitions and aspirations while gaining valuable insights into managing common stressors and anxieties. Being surrounded by driven, passionate peers has been an incredible gift, and hearing from industry professionals in every area has opened my perspective to the possibilities of a career in film.

What knowledge have you gained in the MPI/Academy Gold programs that you will take with you throughout your career?

Both programs have transformed my perspective on networking, shifting it from a mere collection of contacts to a genuine connection. The key, I’ve learned, is to authentically engage with people, showing sincere interest in their passions and experiences. This approach has not only opened doors to opportunities but has also gifted me with mentors and friends. At the end of the day, the film industry is made up of people. We create films for people, by people. It’s fundamentally about human connection, so prioritizing relationships isn’t just good business—it’s the cornerstone of finding true fulfillment in this industry.

You have had the opportunity to work on the sets of MPI Original films. Tell us about your experience. Have you gained confidence on set through these experiences?

This year, I worked on a short film through MPI that was filmed in Michigan. It was an incredibly welcoming experience. The crew performed at an exceptionally high caliber yet maintained a joyful and positive atmosphere. I had a great time and felt right at home. Being on set helped me gain confidence not only because I expanded my knowledge and experience but also because the crew trusted me enough to learn by doing. It was an experience I will treasure for a long time.

How has your experience with MPI positioned you for success in your career?

One of the incredible gifts MPI has given me is the feeling of support. When you’re starting your career in the film industry, there’s a sense that you need to fight for yourself or no one else will, but with MPI, I feel I’m not fighting alone. MPI has opened so many doors for me. They’ve also supplied me with tools for my success through speakers and workshops on topics such as pitching, networking, and access to the Academy Gold Rising program. Having MPI’s support and knowing they believe in me has empowered me to succeed.

What do you see as the most important benefit of being part of MPI’s filmmaker network?

MPI’s filmmaker network has given me access to resources that I would not have been able to find on my own. Whether it’s connecting with other filmmakers that I can trust or attending workshops led by industry professionals, MPI has plugged me into incredible resources that arm me with the information, skills, and community I need to be successful. 

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